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The new standard in Certifications for Project Managers

The PM² Center

At PM².EU – PM² Center, we are certifying individuals and organisations from across Europe and the rest of the world, and we are cooperating with numerous providers to help them enrich their training portfolios by incorporating the PM² Certifications Scheme into their courses and services.
With our global network of partners and agents we consistently deliver the PM² Certification Programme to individuals and organisations in Europe and beyond. Our Certification Scheme is designed to aid professionals succeed by equipping them with the skills, knowledge, tools and techniques to help them perform more effectively. As a direct result, the organisations improve their performance and efficiency.
PM² is a light and easy to use methodology that can be applied to any type of project, specifically designed to allow project teams to manage projects effectively and deliver solutions and benefits to their organisations and stakeholders. The simplicity of the methodology, along with the vast pool of artefacts and tools makes it quickly applicable at an organisational level.
Aiming to enable individuals and their organisations to succeed, we worked closely with contributors to the PM² Methodology to develop the PM² Certifications with the highest quality standards. Suitable for both beginners and professionals, each Certification corresponds to a different level of education and experience, constantly providing an optimal next step to boost your career.

Our Certification Scheme is designed to enable individuals and organisations to become more effective and successful.

The PM² Certification Programme was created after observing a noticeable gap in the provision of certification services on PM², the European Commission’s standard project management methodology. Certifications were initially available internally for EU Institutions, but, given the various benefits the methodology’s implementation can offer, along with the constantly growing popularity and acceptability of PM², we realised the urgent need to create a certification process for professionals, supporting them respond to the realities of today’s marketplace.
Since 2018, at PM².EU (previously called PM² Center – ScEv) we work tirelessly to support the continuing professional development of PM² experts and practitioners. Working with ECVC, the European Center for Vocational Certification, we are dedicated and committed on establishing the appropriate schemes and policies that will fertilise the ecosystem of quality education providers with mature business practices.

Quality Commitment

The key elements for the success and credibility of the PM² Certification Scheme is the consistency, reliability and fairness of the exam process. At PM².EU we are dedicated to compliance to best practices as the foundation of developing and delivering successful exams. This assures exam-takers that the certificates they hold are a reliable and assured statements of achievement.
We are always looking for talented committed individuals to work with us!

The PM².EU is committed to a policy of equal opportunities and is keen to reflect the diversity of society at every level within the organisation. We believe that our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy help to ensure that there is no unjustified discrimination in the recruitment, retention, training and development of staff. We are dedicated to recruiting the best staff possible, hiring internationally minded people who are at ease with our ethos and appreciate the value of perseverance. We invite you to explore the opportunities and benefits of working with us. Contact us for further information and introduce yourselves.

Discover each PM² Certification