Benefits of ACAs Programme

Why Join?

• Stand out as a PM² Center Accredited Certification Agent

Improve your profile not only within your own country but also across Europe and the world, by demonstrating your alignment with internationally accepted project management best practices and standards.  

• Access a unique product

Enter the world of European project management and help your clients enjoy the various benefits of PM², the No.1 methodology for managing European projects.

• Expand your market presence

Reach an international segment that recognises the importance and multiple advantages of the PM² Methodology and connect with professionals, trainers, experts, and project managers from all over Europe.

• Become a member of a world class Project Management Trainers network

Seize a unique opportunity for professional recognition and build your network by participating in our organised meetings and events. Network with professionals who have a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field for assistance in your plans and the development of European partnerships.

• Get hold of a variety of PM² resources

Order and use the PM² Guide, all relevant publications and templates for either personal purposes, or for the benefit and better preparation of your clients for their upcoming exams. A wide variety of promotional material is also available to order which can be sent to you free of charge. We offer international delivery on all orders. 

• Enjoy special members and partners rates for a wide range of services

Earn great rewards and discounts to participate in conferences, workshops and seminars organised by either us or our partners and receive PM² services Training delivered by members of our Network. 


As an Accredited Certification Agent
you may:

⦿ Directly issue vouchers for the PM² Certification Exams in bulk enabling your clients to undertake the exam of their choice from the comfort of their office or home.

⦿ Set custom time-slots for your clients' online examination.

⦿ Get aggregated reports on your students' performance to use as a valuable tool to better develop and enhance your training services.

⦿ Manage your ACA listing updating your training services information and sharing links of your website on our partners’ page, viewed daily by a significant number of users.

⦿ Submit your latest news, business stories and achievements to be shared with our partners and circulated through our media partners.

⦿ Get support in developing the content and structure of your training courses.Access templates and guides and receive direct contextual and technical support.

Join the PM² Ecosystem today