Growing popularity and acceptability of the PM² Methodology has created a great demand for certified professionals. Seize the opportunity and join this growing circle now. By becoming certified you demonstrate your level of PM² knowledge and your commitment to continuous professional development.
Adopt the PM² Methodology at organisational level and certify the PM² knowledge of your Project Managers and project staff at various levels depending on their roles and responsibilities. In-house Pen and Paper Exams and group concessions are also available based on the size and type of your company.
Are you offering trainings on Project Management? Incorporate the PM² Certifications to your training portfolio and become a PM² Affiliated Certification Agent. Demonstrate your mastering of PM² as a trainer and help your students prepare for a PM² certification. Get access to ACAs platform, issue your exam vouchers directly and monitor the progress of your students.
Does your organisation participate in collaborative project work? Certify that your Project Coordinators follow key PM² best practices and increase the quality of their project management. Communicate effectively with project partners and with the Project Officers of the European Commission.
Learn more on how incorporating the PM² methodology in your training portfolio will benefit you and your clients.
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